Collection: Mark Davies NEW

Artist: Mark Davies - Original Paintings, Limited Edition Prints and Sculptures:- 

Digital and mixed media artist Mark Davies works from his studio in Mark Davies Artist At The Acorn Gallery, Pocklington Cambridgeshire and his head is always full of new ideas with a portfolio full of successful imagery and yet to be launched potential. 

Mark loves to build in depth and real substance, reflecting his own innermost thoughts brought about by life, and the timeline of experiences which have shaped his character.

In his art Mark Davies sees no restrictions or brand guidelines. He takes each new beginning as an opportunity to really stay true to himself and to give his all in the pursuit of truth. Having been originally educated in fine art, his passion soon phased into the digital world where he has worked to master his use of light, colour and texture.

As his profile has grown Mark has earned and worn proudly, the title of 'The Storyteller' - an honorary description given for his ability to recreate and yet keep the essence of many classic tales. Not stopping with page-turners he has not shied away from the big-screen and many movies have received his attention, gaining and relighting many old flames with movies we had forgotten we loved!

To all he brings a battle between darkness and light, which may not always be apparent but which is always there, reminding us that for darkness to win, all it takes is for good men to do nothing.